Welcome to the Homeschool Resource Roundup 2021! Here is the second week of amazing resources and fantastic creations – made by families, for families! Every resource supports homeschooling! Don’t miss the exciting announcements, giveaways, and freebies from these featured contributors July 5-11th! Find it all in the Facebook group: Homeschool Resource Roundup. Look for more…
Category: Resource Roundup
Roundup Giveaways for Week 1
The creators of our featured resources this week are generously donating prizes! Six winners will each receive one of six prizes! It’s free to enter, so go to the Homeschool Resource Roundup Facebook page for details! Be sure you read the previous post to learn about all the featured resources! Win one of SIX prizes!…
Roundup Week 1
Welcome to the Homeschool Resource Roundup 2021! We’re featuring amazing resources and fantastic creations – made by families, for families! Every resource supports homeschooling AND supports a homeschooling family! Check out these seven resources for week 1!
How to Best Enjoy the Homeschool Resource Roundup 2021
This year we are featuring four weeks of amazing resources! Creative families have designed so many treasures! Courses and games… workbooks and printables… flashcards and songs… all to bless your homeschool. By gathering these incredible resources in one place, it’s easy to learn about each product and find the perfect fit for your family. We’ve…
2021 is a Great Time for a Chrondala Calendar
We live in a world of order set by seasons and days and years. Our world is not ordered and set haphazardly (as if order could have come about haphazardly!?) but set with purpose and goodness by a loving Creator who made this world for life to flourish. Not only are the days made by…
Roundup Bonus Week
This summer I have been featuring homeschooling resources that align well with the Classical Conversations (CC) programs. Every resource is designed and offered by a homeschooling family.
Resource Roundup Week 4
Welcome to our last week of resources (at least for July)! Check out these amazing creations – made by families, for families! Every resource supplements the Classical Conversations (CC) program and supports homeschooling in general.
Roundup Giveaways Week 3
Win one of these amazing resources! Each one is made by a talented and creative homeschool family! Read about this week’s roundup here. Then go to the facebook page and pick which resources you’d like to win! ???? Roundup GIVEAWAYS Week 3 ???? Which prize do you want to win? Read about the prizes… Posted…
Resource Roundup ~ Week 3
Check out these amazing creations – made by families, for families! Every resource supplements the Classical Conversations (CC) program and supports homeschooling in general. Visit @GraceForThisMom facebook page June 30th through July 2nd for generous giveaways from these featured creators! Cycle 3 Foundations Bundle This Cycle 3 Bundle is great for reviewing your memory work,…
Roundup Giveaways Week 2
Win one of these amazing resources! Each one is made by a talented and creative homeschool family! Read about this week’s roundup here. Then go to the facebook page and pick which resources you’d like to win! ???? Roundup GIVEAWAYS Week 2 ???? Which prize do you want to win? Read about the prizes here:……