Scripture Verses
Read the context around these key verses when possible!

God gave the first covenant to the Israelites when Moses met with God on Mt. Sinai. If they kept the laws and followed all the rules God gave them, they would be blessed and represent God to the world.
This covenant was external – things they had to do outwardly.
The people could not do it. They could not keep all the laws and rules. They broke the covenant again and again. They broke their promise to follow God.
What the people could not do, God did by sending His own Son.
He made a new covenant with the people. This covenant was internal, a change of heart on the inside. No longer would they rely on external actions that they could not produce, but they would rely on Jesus who produces in them a new heart.
They would freely receive forgiveness of sin – forgiveness for not keeping the first covenant – because Jesus came as both high priest and spotless sacrifice. He was the covenant keeper giving His blood for a redemption that lasts forever.
This new covenant is not just for the Israelites, but for all who believe.
Without Jesus, we only have dead works and faithless hearts. Only through Jesus can we have new hearts that want to serve the living God.
At Christmas we celebrate Jesus, the faithful one who kept the covenants for us! He is our Mediator. He brings us to God!
Going Deeper With Teens/Preteens
Read more about Covenants with the Bible Project.

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
From Hosanna, Loud Hosannas – Student Hymnal
- In Christ Alone #65
- What Child is This? #20
The following are available on Right Now Media:
To Us a Child is Born (Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16) – From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album

How did Jesus keep the covenant? Why do we need a new heart? How does Jesus change us?

Neighbors & Nations
We are blessed to be a blessing. Whether near or far, God’s heart is to make His name known so people from every nation will worship Him.
What can our family do today to make God’s name known?
Ideas for December 19
- Pray for the people in your community that need to hear about the faithful God who can give them a new heart through Jesus.
- Look for ways to volunteer with your church to share this good news in your town.
- See if there is a Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) chapter in your area. Learn about the opportunities to be involved taking the gospel to children. Learn more about CEF here.

If you are using the Advent Prayer Chain, pray for the next link.
If you have the Seeing Jesus stickers, add the circle to today's banner and review the previous stickers.
Seeing Jesus, Advent Wall Sticker Set is a Christmas countdown that provides a visual reminder of each day’s focus to help us see and celebrate Jesus.