Scripture Verses
Read the context around these key verses when possible!

We began our Advent series with light. Jesus is the Light in the darkness.
On Christmas Eve we come back to that blazing light again. Jesus is the Light for the Nations.
What we desperately need in our darkness, God has given to us. He didn’t send a gift or a kind gesture, or well wishes, but He gave us Himself – Jesus, Immanuel, God with us.
And Jesus is for the Nations – for all the families of the earth!
Simeon saw this newborn light when Jesus’ parents brought Him to the temple. He spoke of Jesus as glory for Abraham’s family, and a light for the Gentiles – all the other peoples outside Abraham’s family. Every people and tribe and tongue and nation – every man, woman, boy, and girl! No one is too blind or too sinful or too small for God to save. God makes dead hearts alive by the power of His Spirit because of the work of Jesus.
Hear and believe. Jesus is the Light, the Creator, the Rescuer, the Promise, the Lamb, the King, the Redeemer, The Shoot of Jesse, the Son of the Most High, Immanuel, the Bread of Life, the King of Kings, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lion and the Lamb, the Mediator of the New Covenant, the Prince of Peace, the Light of the World.
One day, there will be no need for any other light… no sun, no lamps, no candles. Jesus Himself will be our light and we will enjoy Him forever!
Lighting the Candles
We light the Christ candle, the center white candle, on Christmas Eve. The Light of the World overcomes darkness. Glory to God in the highest!

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
From Hosanna, Loud Hosannas – Student Hymnal
- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly #10
- On Christmas Night All Christians Sing #14
- Away in a Manger #7
- Silent Night! Holy Night! #8
The following are available on Right Now Media:
Call His Name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14) – From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album
To the Ends of the Earth (Micah 5:2) – From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album
God With Us (Matthew 1:18-24) – From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album
Joy (Luke 2:8-40)– From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album
To Us a Child is Born (Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16)– From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album

Do you believe what the Scriptures say about Jesus? Do you trust in Him alone to save you?

Neighbors & Nations
We are blessed to be a blessing. Whether near or far, God’s heart is to make His name known so people from every nation will worship Him.
What can our family do today to make God’s name known?
Ideas for December 24
- Worship Jesus together with your church family.
- Participate at your Christmas Eve service and rejoice that Jesus is for all the families of the earth.

If you are using the Advent Prayer Chain, pray for the next link.
If you have the Seeing Jesus stickers, add the circle to today's banner and review the previous stickers.
Seeing Jesus, Advent Wall Sticker Set is a Christmas countdown that provides a visual reminder of each day’s focus to help us see and celebrate Jesus.