Welcome to Day 5 of Resurrection Celebration! For 12 days, we are enjoying a family Bible study leading up to Easter Sunday.
Use the optional printable pack to include activities for each day. You’ll be hunting for eggs, revealing mystery code words, and discovering amazing truths in the Bible.
Day 5
Code Words: Hosanna, Palm Branches, Triumphal Entry
Listen for these words or concepts as you read the following Scriptures.
Mary anoints Jesus.
John 12:1-7
Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly.
John 12:12-19
The hour has come.
John 12:20-24
Discussion Questions
Let family members ask questions that begin with: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?
Here are some questions to get you started.
Younger Kids
- What did Mary do that honored Jesus when He was in Bethany?
- How did Jesus enter Jerusalem?
- What did the people shout as he entered?
- What are some ways you can honor Jesus?

Older Kids
- What contrasts do you see between the heart of Mary and the heart of Judas?
- What prophecy did Jesus fulfill as He entered Jerusalem?
- Why did the crowd go down the meet Him that day?
- What does Jesus mean by “the hour has come”?
- How is a servant of Jesus described in John 12:24-28?

Family Journal
Keep a family journal and record what you learn about “Resurrection” every day.
What do we learn about RESURRECTION?
Which people will be with Jesus where He is having eternal life?
Celebrate! Worship God!
Spend time finishing this sentence, “God, you are ___________ . Help me follow Christ!”
Free Online
Easter Hymn Playlist – Keith & Kristyn Getty
Article: Easter Week in Real Time – The Gospel Coalition
Video: TGC Explains Holy Week – The Gospel Coalition
Get 60 Days of an Online Bible Course – Veritas Press