Welcome to Day 2 of Resurrection Celebration! For 12 days, we will enjoy a family Bible study leading up to Easter Sunday.
Use the optional printable pack to include activities for each day. You’ll be hunting for eggs, revealing mystery code words, and discovering amazing truths in the Bible.
Day 2
Code Words: Safe, Blood, Passover
Listen for these words or concepts as you read the following Scriptures.
God calls a family and gives a promise.
Genesis 12:1-3 (Abraham)
Genesis 26:3-5 (Isaac)
Genesis 28:14-15 (Jacob)
God’s people grow in Egypt and become slaves.
Exodus 1:1-14
God frees His people.
Exodus 3:1-10, 12:1-13, 29-32
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
Romans 5:12-18
Discussion Questions
Younger Kids
- Where were the people of Israel living as slaves (in Exodus 1)?
- Who heard their cry and sent Moses to bring them out of Egypt (Exodus 3)?
- What were they Israelites instructed to put on their doorposts (in Exodus 12)?
- What would the Lord do when He saw the blood on their houses?
- What would happen to those without blood on their houses?
- How could the people of Israel be safe?

Older Kids
- What promises did God give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel)?
- When the Israelites were growing in Egypt, what was the Egyptians reaction?
- Why did they react this way?
- How do you know God had not forgotten his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
- How did God answer the Israelites cries? (Exodus 3)
- What happened on the first Passover?
- How did God make a way for His people to be saved?
- How does the first passover point to Jesus?
- What does it mean in Romans 5:14 that death reigned from Adam to Moses?
- How can death no longer reign over you?

Family Journal
Keep a family journal and record what you learn about “Resurrection” every day.
What do we learn about RESURRECTION?
What does the Passover teach us about the Resurrection?
Celebrate! Worship God!
Spend time finishing this sentence, “God, you are ___________ even when I am not.”
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
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