Scripture Verses
Read the context around these key verses when possible!

The first people to hear the news of Christ’s birth were shepherds. They were not popular or famous or rich or highly esteemed among people. They were humble and lowly, and God loved them deeply.
God wanted them to know the Promised Savior was born. The angels announced to the shepherds this good news of great joy!
Their humble hearts were hungry for this good news! Leaving their flocks, they were eager to go see this child. They were eager to welcome the Savior into the world. They were eager to celebrate and praise God and worship and glorify Him.
They knew this joy wasn’t theirs alone. This joy was for the whole world. This joy was meant to be shared. They were eager to tell about the words of the Lord coming true.
Let’s join them in celebrating and sharing this good new of great joy! Jesus has come, and our joy has been restored!!!
Lighting the Candles
This third Sunday of Advent, we light the Shepherd’s candle. The only pink candle – the candle of joy. Joy has dawned and our hearts rejoice!

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)
Joy to the World (Our God Reigns)
From Hosanna, Loud Hosannas – Student Hymnal
- Joy Has Dawned Upon the Earth #12
- Joy to the World! The Lord is Come #19
- Go Tell It On The Mountain #17
The following are available on Right Now Media:
Joy (Luke 2:8-40) – From Seeds Family Worship, Christmas Album

What are you most joyful about in the birth of Jesus? With whom can you share this good news of great joy?

Neighbors & Nations
We are blessed to be a blessing. Whether near or far, God’s heart is to make His name known so people from every nation will worship Him.
What can our family do today to make God’s name known?
Ideas for December 15
- Share the joy of Christmas by singing.
- Gather a group and go caroling to people in your church who are homebound or cannot easily get around.
- Plan a trip to an assisted living center or nursing home. Sing carols and hymns, read a poem, play an instrument, or read the Christmas story. Use the gifts God has give you to bless others.

If you are using the Advent Prayer Chain, pray for the next link.
If you have the Seeing Jesus stickers, add the circle to today's banner and review the previous stickers.
Seeing Jesus, Advent Wall Sticker Set is a Christmas countdown that provides a visual reminder of each day’s focus to help us see and celebrate Jesus.