Scripture Verses
Read the context around these key verses when possible!

They saw His star when it rose. A new star in the sky.
We don’t know exactly what this star was made of, but we do know exactly who made it and why it was there.
The source of the star? God made it and put it right there.
The purpose of the star? To lead the wise men to Jesus.
All creation comes from God and all creation gives glory back to Him. The heavens declare the glory of God!
Even though all creation is broken and it is groaning for restoration, there is a glimmer of hope at the first Christmas when a new star shines into the broken world. The world was blind because of sin and could not see God or worship Him as God. But God opened the eyes of these wise men to see this new star, this glimmer of hope, and God led people (who were outside Abraham’s family) to Jesus.
We see the promise God made to Abraham coming true. Jesus is for all the families of the world. Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection would open the way for all the families of the world to come and be restored to their Maker and King. On a dark night, a bright star guided a blind world to the Light of Life.
Jesus is our light still today. God is still guiding the blind to Jesus and opening their eyes so they can see Him.
Going Deeper With Teens/Preteens
Here is an article from Answers in Genesis: What Was the Christmas Star?

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
Come All Ye Faithful
From Hosanna, Loud Hosannas – Student Hymnal
- Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come #19
- What Child is This? #20
- As with Gladness Men of Old #21
The following are available on Right Now Media:
The Christmas Gift and the Star – From Owlegories, vol. 4

What does it mean that the world is blind because of sin? How does Jesus take away our blindness?

Neighbors & Nations
We are blessed to be a blessing. Whether near or far, God’s heart is to make His name known so people from every nation will worship Him.
What can our family do today to make God’s name known?
Ideas for December 20
- Pray for those who are still blind to the Light of Life.
- Look for opportunities to share Jesus this Christmas.

If you are using the Advent Prayer Chain, pray for the next link.
If you have the Seeing Jesus stickers, add the circle to today's banner and review the previous stickers.
Seeing Jesus, Advent Wall Sticker Set is a Christmas countdown that provides a visual reminder of each day’s focus to help us see and celebrate Jesus.