Scripture Verses
Read the context around these key verses when possible!

God called Abram to go to a land He would show him, and God gave him the promise of blessing. Not a blessing for possessions, but a blessing for people. Abram would become Abraham and have a son. That son would have sons who would have sons and Abraham would be the father of that huge family. A family so huge it would outnumber the stars in the sky. Here’s the best part… The blessing wasn’t just for Abraham’s family. All the families of the world would be blessed though one of the sons born into his family.
The Son bringing that promised blessing was Jesus. He took the punishment for sin, dying, but living again, in order to give us the blessing of Himself.
Christ died willingly in our place to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin and bring us back to God.
New City Catechism, Question 24
This blessing is not just available to Abraham’s family, but for all who will believe. In Christ, all the families of the world will be blessed. We should tell others!

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
The following are available on Right Now Media:
A Great Nation (Genesis 12:1-3) – From Seeds Family Worship, Trust Album
The Word (John 1:1-14) – From Seeds Family Worship, Jesus Album
The Biggest Story, by Kevin DeYoung – This is the same video from yesterday. If you haven’t watched it, you should make a plan to do so! It speaks of Abraham’s family and the Promised Blessing.

What are some of the biggest blessings you can think of in this world? How is Jesus even better than that?

Neighbors & Nations
We are blessed to be a blessing. Whether near or far, God’s heart is to make His name known so people from every nation will worship Him.
What can our family do today to make God’s name known?
Ideas for December 4
- Pray for your neighbors by name.
- If you don’t know your neighbors, make a plan to get to know them better. Maybe you can invite them over for dinner?
- Bake bread, cookies, or something special to take to a neighbor.

If you are using the Advent Prayer Chain, pray for the next link. If you have the Seeing Jesus stickers, add the circle to today's banner and review the previous stickers.
Seeing Jesus, Advent Wall Sticker Set is a Christmas countdown that provides a visual reminder of each day’s focus to help us see and celebrate Jesus.