Welcome to Day 6 of Resurrection Celebration! For 12 days, we are enjoying a family Bible study leading up to Easter Sunday.
Use the optional printable pack to include activities for each day. You’ll be hunting for eggs, revealing mystery code words, and discovering amazing truths in the Bible.
Day 6
Code Words: Light, Darkness, Eternal Life
Listen for these words or concepts as you read the following Scriptures.
Jesus is the Light.
John 12:35-36, 44-46
Light overcomes darkness.
John 1:1-18
We can have the light of life.
John 8:12
Discussion Questions
Let family members ask questions that begin with: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?
Here are some questions to get you started.
Younger Kids
- Who is the light of the world?
- How can you have the light of life?
Older Kids
- How is Jesus the light?
- What does it mean to put your trust in the light?
- Why do those who follow Jesus not walk in darkness?
Family Journal
Keep a family journal and record what you learn about “Resurrection” every day.
What do we learn about RESURRECTION?
Explain how Jesus is the Light of Life.
Celebrate! Worship God!
“God, you are __________.”
Have a time of “Popcorn Praise.” Everyone hops up and finished the sentence when above as something comes to mind (like popcorn popping all around). Pop some popcorn and have a fun treat.
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
Free Online
The Biggest Story Animated Short Film – Crossway (free to stream through April 12, 2020)