Celebrate Christ’s resurrection with us in this 12-day journey through Scripture leading up to Easter Sunday!
Use the optional printable pack to include activities for each day. You’ll be hunting for eggs, revealing mystery code words, and discovering amazing truths in the Bible.
Day 1
Code Words: Garden, Sin, Rescuer
Listen for these words or concepts as you read the following Scriptures.
God created all things.
Genesis 1:31
Man and woman sinned.
Genesis 3:1-24
Death came through sin.
Romans 5:12
God promised a Rescuer.
Genesis 3:15, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:17
Discussion Questions
Younger Kids
- Who made all things?
- What are some things God made?
- How good were the things God made?
- Where did the first man and woman live?
- When did sin come into the world?
- How did the first man and woman sin?
- Why did they need a Rescuer?
- Why do you need a Rescuer?
- Who is the promised Rescuer?
Older Kids
- What was the condition of creation before Adam and Eve sinned?
- How was creation affected by their sin?
- How are you affected by their sin?
- Why does death come to all people?
- What promise did God give Adam and Eve?
- How can Jesus rescue people from death?
- How is God’s gift described in Romans 6:23 and 5:17?
- What does “reigned” mean?
- What are the two opposites in Romans 5:17 that can reign?
- What makes the difference between you reigning in death or reigning in life?
Family Journal
Keep a family journal and record what you learn about “Resurrection” every day.
What do we learn about RESURRECTION?
In your own words, define “resurrection” and tell why we need it.
Celebrate! Worship God!
Spend time finishing this sentence, “God, you are ___________ !”
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
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Activities about Creation – Weave Family