We have always been in need of Jesus, but perhaps this year we hold an awareness and feel the weight of just how much we need Him.
Culture cannot heal our aching souls. Politics cannot provide us peace. Health and wealth cannot give us sure and lasting promises. Our best efforts cannot even satisfy our desires.
We need the One who took on flesh and conquered sin and death. We need Jesus. Only Jesus is able to save us. Only Jesus is willing to re-create us in His own likeness. Only Jesus can bring us home to God.
The Purpose of Advent
The best gift parents can give their kids is to teach them truth from Scripture. This Advent season, anticipate the days leading to Christmas with this purpose: to see and celebrate Jesus!

Free Printables for Advent
Download and print a free Advent countdown and Scripture study for your family. You’ll get 25 themes from Scripture to use from December 1st-25th. Each theme has verses to read and a sticker to remind us of Jesus. You’ll get banners, circles, and a set of bookmarks outlining all the themes and Scripture passages.
You may also want to consider the Seeing Jesus Family Worship Guide that my husband and I have written. With 25 daily readings/lessons that match the sticker countdown, it is available in digital format and also includes links to many songs, activities, and resources all in one place!

If you do not want to print your own countdown stickers, see the vinyl wall decals in a variety of sizes and colors.

In addition, follow this blog for weekly content that will provide more resources and encouragement during Advent.
The Priority of Advent
Make a plan to celebrate the truths of Scripture this season! Your kids may feel afraid, lonely, or isolated. They need real answers and real hope that will not disappoint! Give them solid truth found in Scripture.
Make it your priority to see Jesus in Scripture and celebrate Jesus in your home. What a heritage to raise children who know that Advent is a time for seeing Jesus!